

Material Experiment

                       rice paper                                                3d pen                                             print on a paper 

Idea Sketches



The Flag
                                         Yu, Chi-whan

Oh, this is a voiceless outcry.
A handkerchief of nostalgia in eternity
Waving for that blue sea plains.

Sheer human feelings like the sea waves swaying by winds,
And at the tip of pole with ever clear and straight philosophy
Sorrows spread their wings like white cranes.

Ah! Who is the one?
That hangs up in the air, first from the time begun,
This woeful and heart-breaking feelings it contains.

(English Translation by Myung-Ho Lee, M.D., FACC)

Half Mast, Full Mast

Allora & Calzadilla

Half Mast, Full Mast is part of 2 channel films of Vieques Island, Puerto Rico, which was occupied by the US Navy until 2003.

After World War II broke out, the US turned 75 percent of the island into a bombing range. Until fierce protests led to the shutdown of the bombing range in 2003 and environmental restoration work began, the residents of Vieques Island faced severe destruction of the natural environment and ecosystems, and struggled to protect their home and their right to live. The 23 bodies that appear in the form of flags were trained to preserve Puerto Rico’s “national” identity. They are hoisting their flag in the ruins of their homeland. The gymnasts’ act of forming a flag at full mast or half mast represents the victories (full mast) and losses (half mast) experienced during the island’s sixty-some years of struggle.